(66) Brian Reitz: Daily Episodes Until The Election's Resolved

How we represent ourselves has warped into sport, and it’s nearing bloodsport. There’s no middle ground in politics, which is uncool. And saying “Hey, can we all just get along?” isn’t really that cool either. 

It used to be cool to be detached, but now it’s an affront. Maybe it always was, and those afflicted finally have a voice.

So, it’s not cool to be apolitical. But it’s also not that cool to be overtly political either. Is there anything cool about politics?

And what does it even mean to be cool anymore? We’ve been trying to pinpoint it for a while now, highlighting other people’s ideas and talking about what makes them cool.

And now… we have an idea:

Inspired by Nick's joke suggestion on a recent episode, Brian recorded his own idea and talked to himself to evaluate just how cool it is. Brian's idea is that "How Cool Is This?" should air daily episodes until the 2020 General Election in the United States is resolved.

Hi! This is Brian Reitz, the Co-host of the show “How Cool Is This?” and my idea is pretty straightforward. It's that we should have daily episodes of this podcast until the US election is called. I say ‘until it's called,’ because we don't really know when will know who the next president of the United States will be.

Obviously Election Day is November 3rd, a Tuesday like it always is - not November Thirds but Tuesdays. The difference is that this year there's a lot of mail-in voting, and there is one candidate in particular, and probably another candidate who will be concerned and probably have a lot of pressures, one more internal, the other more external, to contest the election. 

And because of a lot of misinformation, and because of the pandemic, we just have a feeling that it's going to last a lot longer than just the one day. We usually know on the night, and it is very possible that we will know Tuesday, but if we don't, Nick and I are prepared to do daily episodes until we do know... which hopefully is not next year. But if it is, then we will keep going.

So that is the idea, and typically we don't talk about our own ideas on this show, but a couple of episodes ago, Nick jokingly mentioned that I should talk to myself and do an episode by myself, so that's what's happening here. And I guess we're going to find out just how cool that is.

On that note, starting today (October 27), “How Cool Is This?” will release daily episodes exploring different political ideas, evaluating what does and doesn’t make them cool. These episodes include submissions from election security experts, media executives, liberals, conservatives, a QANON guy, and more. Is that cool?

If you have an idea about voting, democracy, and/or politics, leave us a voicemail at (848) 863-9917. We will use your message on a future episode of the show.